
Rotary Club of Burnside meetings are held on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of every month at the Kensington Hotel, 23 Regent Street, Kensington, 6:00pm for 6:30pm

We also hold a “vocational meeting” on the 3rd Wednesday of every month to visit businesses or get involved in an organisation, please contact Craig for times and location.

To RSVP please contact our membership team via Craig Ritchie on 0481 373 266

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    Neighborhood Watch BBQ Sunday 17th April 2024

    A beautiful day for a BBQ in the Warrego Reserve. Thank you to Neighbourhood Watch for inviting The Rotary Club of Burnside to do the BBQ. There were a number of residents there to enjoy a suasage or 2. Both Jack Batty and the Mayor, Anne Monreaux were their to support Neighbourhood Watch.

    It was to be Andy Bill’s last event as president of Neighbourhood Watch. Both Andy and Margie have worked very hard to keep Neighbourhood watch alive and well and both will be greatly missed. Thank you both for all that you have done over the years.

    Congratulations to Andy for receiving the Burnside Council Citizen of the year Award 2024.

    Thank you to the Rotary Club of Burnside volunteers, John Rockliff, Des Munro and Keith Lowman. Thank you to Trish who came to enjoy a sausage but stayed to help with the serving, good job Trish