
Rotary Club of Burnside meetings are held on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of every month at the Kensington Hotel, 23 Regent Street, Kensington, 6:00pm for 6:30pm

We also hold a “vocational meeting” on the 3rd Wednesday of every month to visit businesses or get involved in an organisation, please contact Craig for times and location.

To RSVP please contact our membership team via Craig Ritchie on 0481 373 266

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    Leadership in Conservation & Volunteer of the Parks Award presentations. 10th April 2024.

    A truly memorable evening with everyone keen to hear the winners of the awards. However, it was said many times that all the nominees are winners as they all do an amazing job protecting wildlife, Fauna, and the Parks.

    We welcomed all our guests including:

    • Paul Thomas, Immediate Past Rotary District 9510 Governor.
    • Elizabeth Gagliardi, Rotary District 9510 Area 8 Governor.
    • Ian Coat, Rotary District Chair of the CATE Committee.
    • Duncan MacKenzie, President, Friends of the Parks Inc.
    • Mary-Anne Healy, Director, Community and Nature Partnership.
    • Stuart Paul, Director, Regional Operations.
    • Helen Donovan, Acting Manager, Volunteer and Visitor programmes.
    • Gill Peacey, Manager Volunteer and Visitor Programmes.
    • Jo Podoliak, Acting Executive Director, National Parks, and Wildlife.
    • Jack Batty Bragg MP. Shadow Assistant Minister to the Leader of the Opposition and Shadow Assistant Minister for the Environment and Heritage.

    It was exciting to see so many people attending, the nominees for the Parks Awards, families, and members of the Rotary Club of Burnside.

    Winner of the Volunteer of the Parks Award was Penny Kothe – Volunteer Ranger, Flinders & Outback Region.

    Winner of Leadership in Conservation Award was Tammy Leggett – Senior Ranger North Lofty District (Parawirra)

    Both Jo Podoliak and Jack Batty gave a short presentation acknowledging the work done by the winners and all the nominees. We are fortunate to have such resolute people protecting one of our most valuable assets, the Environment. Their stories are all very inspiring and I know the selection panel had an exceedingly tough time selecting winners.

    It is such an amazing evening and one that the Rotary club of Burnside are honoured to support. It has been 39 years since Rotary began supporting these awards and we all hope this will continue for many years to come.

    A special thank you to Bob Cooper and Pamela Smith for all their hard work bring this wonderful event together.

    Thank you to John Caddy and John Rockliff for aiding Bob Cooper with the evening and selecting the winners.