The venue was truly amazing, with glorious views of the Golf Course. The wood fire was a bonus keeping us all warm.
It was lovely to see all the Burnside Rotary Club members and their partners. It was also lovely to see past members and friends of Rotary.
The food was delicious, and I hope everyone enjoyed the food.
Thank you to our specials guests for attending, Craig Dowling DG elect, Elizabet Gagliardi, and her husband Eddie. Also present was Pam Vaughton, president of St. Peters Rotary Club and Rob Rushton-Smith and his wife Margriet.
Thank you also to Jack Batty member for Bragg and Anne Monceaux, Mayor of Burnside.
The proceedings flowed smoothly, and it was such a pleasure to see our Paul Harris recipients, Peter Fowler and Craig Ritchie receive their awards. Both have a done so much to help the club and it was great having a way to say thank you.
Andrew Bradly was very surprised to receive the Max Scrymgour award. He was a worthy recipient as he is so busy with work, recent engagement, buying a house and a wedding July. But he keeps on top of the minutes and sending out relevant information to Board members.
We were delighted to pass on this very special award to Andrew.
Thank you, Craig Dowling, for your response to John Caddy’s toast to International Rotary. I am sure Craig will have a great year visiting all 89 Rotary Clubs!
Thank you Jack Batty for your kind words. We look forward to working with you during the coming year.
A special thank you to Des Munro for all his support and encouragement during the year. I know that I still have him supporting me during the coming year.
Thank you also to John Caddy for his support during the past year and help with everything he did at the Luncheon.
Thank you to my niece, Jane for the doing the flowers and the bouquet for Maria Munro.
I know with the support of club members, friends of Rotary and members of the Board we will have an amazing year. I look forward to seeing what we can achieve in the next 12 months.