A tour of the State Library and Mortlock library was arranged by Brian Higgins for members and friends of the Burnside Rotary Club. Brain also organised for the group to have lunch at Amalfi restaurant after the tour.
There was an excellent attendance with members and partners. We were very fortunate to have knowledgeable tour guides who explained all the exhibitions and provided the history of the libraries. It was truly amazing to hear the history of not only the library but South Australia. The tour lasted an hour but a return visit is essential as there is so much more to learn.

The State Library has area for people wishing to find out more about their family history. The staff are very helpful and can guide people on their journey to find out information on their ancestors.
Thank you to Brian for organising the tour which was greatly appreciated and was very inspiring.
Lunch at Amalfi was again excellent and the food delicious. A great way to finish the day with all members and partners having a chance to socialise and catch up.