
Rotary Club of Burnside meetings are held on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of every month at the Kensington Hotel, 23 Regent Street, Kensington, 6:00pm for 6:30pm

We also hold a “vocational meeting” on the 3rd Wednesday of every month to visit businesses or get involved in an organisation, please contact Craig for times and location.

To RSVP please contact our membership team via Craig Ritchie on 0481 373 266

Upcoming Events

    Connect with Rotary

    • The Community Wellness Hub – Thursday 15th August 2024.

      We have a fabulous day at the Hub with 19 participants, which is the largest number since we started.

      Thanks to various people spreading the word, Lee Camporeale was there with 4-5 members of the Rotary club of Mitcham. We now have regulars attending which is very exciting to see.

      Our guest speaker was Robin Genders from Rostrum speaking about the early days of the Colony. This was a fascinating insight of the lives of the first settlers in South Australia. Arriving with nothing and working hard to set up accommodation and a community. Robin had a distant ancestor who was in the first group, so Robin had much to talk about from written work passed down. Overall, it was extremely well received.

      We then had a light lunch which was well received by all.

      There was great fellowship, which is the point of this event, many people meeting new friends. I had a lovely text from a young woman who said it was a friendly welcoming atmosphere and she will be back.

      Christine took the Yoga chair exercises which everyone enjoyed.

      It was good to see everyone enjoying themselves and the feedback is always very positive.

      Thank you to Des, John and Steph Rockliff for helping to set up the tables and generally look after the guests. It is only with such support that this event can be successful.

      I am also very grateful for the support and encouragement we receive from the City of Burnside thanks to Marissa and Ruby.

      Margie Maloney

    • Club Meeting Wednesday 14th August 2024. Guest Speaker Tim Mee International Service Chair

      Topic New Dawn – Rotary Ukraine Crisis Aid Project. 9510

      It was an honour to have Tim Mee speak at the Club Meeting. Tim is very involved in the New Dawn – Rotary Ukraine project.

      New Dawn was started by Julia an Ukrainian from Odesa following the invasion in February 2022. At the heart of the work is distribution of 100 food aid packs a day to internally Displaced People in Odesa. Additional funding and volunteer capacity is used to deliver other aid (toys, bedding, candles, drinking water, etc. These villages receive no support from anu other Aid organisations and have no running water or electricity.

      Rotary Clubs from District 9510 have established a direct aid project with NGO New Dawn in Ukraine and Rotary District D2232 in Ukraine to provide humanitarian aid.

      Support for regional schools (students and teachers) is a major focus for the Rotary Ukraine project team.

      A Rotary D9510 multi club project (Northern Yorke Peninsula, Gawler, Mount Barker, Adelaide, Gawler Light, Morialta and Campbelltown partnering with Rotary D2232 and New dawn in Ukraine. Providing much needed humanitarian aid, health facilities, schools and hospitals.

      Tim’s presentation was very thoughtful and Tim has such passion for this project. The villages in the south like Odesa are called the forgotten villages. It is through the New Dawn project that they receive much needed aid.

      We were all grateful for Tim giving up his time to make us more aware of the plight of the people in Ukraine.

    • Opening of the Ambulance Station Norwood. July 28th 2024.

      The Rotary club of Burnside were contacted to see if they could provide a BBQ for the opening of the Ambulance Station. Di Wilkins, City of Burnside councilor and Secretary of the Rotary club of Adelaide made the connection and John Caddy was quick to get it all organised. John had to find volunteers which was no easy task as the regular Fullarton Market BBQ was held on the 27th July 2024. However he did manage to form a team of willing volunteers.

      John meticulously brought the event together with a minimum of fuss, thank you John, you are truly amazing!.

      It was a big day and up to 500 sausages were quickly prepared to the long cue of hungry visitors. The event went from 1130 – 1330 so a lot of sausages in a short amount of time, well done team.

      Di Wilkins was also a enthusiastic volunteer helping to hand out the food., thank you Di.

      The Premier, The Hon Peter Malinauskas was there to officially open the Station. While he did not partake of a sausage he did comment on the hard work of the volunteers from the Rotary club of Burnside.

      President Andrew hand his wife Nicky were there to cheer on the BBQ staff.

      Thank you to all the volunteers on the day, a very busy time but rewarding. Thank you JC, Des, Brian Wall, John’s son James and Di Wilkins.

    • Club Meeting Wednesday 10th July 2024. Guest Speaker Dr. Craig Jurisevic.

      We had the privilege and honour to have Dr Craig Jurisevic speak at our club meeting.

      Craig is a Cardiothoracic surgeon working at the Royal Adelaide Hospital. He has had extensive experience in conflict zones as a General, Vascular and Cardiothoracic surgeon. He has worked in conflict zones as both a Volunteer and with the Army.

      His recent trips has been to Ukraine on the frontline. He has assisted with combat trauma surgery, surgical training and training frontline units in tactical combat casualty care.

      Craig’s presentation was very confronting but so is the reality of war. He provided extensive information on how injured soldiers are treated and their triage to more suitable sites.

      The injuries the soldiers, both men and women endured were horrific. For many there will many months if not years of recovery and rehab. Their lives are forever changed and the impact on their families is also life changing.

      We were all very impressed with Craig’s dedication in helping the soldiers in Ukraine treat their injured.

      Craig has since returned to Ukraine to continue to help frontline soldiers with immediate care and follow up surgery.

    • Rotary Club of Burnside Changeover Lunch 2024

      Mt Osmond Golf Course, June 23rd 2024

      The Rotary Club of Burnside had an incredible afternoon at the Mt Osmond Golf Club to celebrate the year past and look to the year ahead with incoming President Andrew Bradley.

      Des Munro did a fantastic job as Master of Ceremonies, his quick wit and ability to keep the proceedings on schedule adding greatly to the event.

      President Andrew Bradley thanks each Rotarian, from within and outside the Club, who attended or sent their best wishes. It means a lot to our new President, Andrew Bradley, as he takes on the responsibility of leading our Club for the coming year. Many past members and their partners attending included Brett Dalton, Garry Humphries and Lynette, Brian Wall and Margaret, and Wendy Stewart.

      Rotarians from within and outside the Club

      The Club expresses their thanks to all of our distinguished guests for attending: Anne Monceaux, Mayor of Burnside; Jack Batty MP, Member for Bragg; James Stevens MP, Federal Member for Sturt; District Governor Nominee Rajeev Kamini; Area Governor Elizabeth Gagliardi and her husband Eddie. A special thank you is extended to Andrew’s family, friends, and associates for their support and attendance.

      It was unfortunate that our Immediate Past President, Margie Maloney OAM, could not attend in person. However, a video feed was set up just in time for her to hear her speech recited by incoming Club Secretary John Rockliff. The Club congratulates Margie on a successful year as President in which the Club achieved a lot under her leadership.

      Very well-deserved Paul Harris Fellows were awarded to John Rockliff and Brian Higgins. This was followed by a surprise Paul Harris Fellow awarded to Immediate Past President Margie, as the first act by our incoming President. This is Margie’s first Paul Harris Fellow.

      Surprised, Chris Gascoine received the Max Scrymgour award for “Service Above Self” when, although already the Director for the Rotary Foundation, he stepped in to fill the role of Director for Public Image, undertook substantial work to get the website up and running, and took on the task of Acting Chief Editor of the Bulletin while our Chief Editor, David Dewar, enjoyed a long overdue three-month vacation gallivanting across Europe with family.

      The Club, led by President Andrew, is genuinely excited for the year ahead as we move forward under a vision of Collaboration and Community, promoting peace and understanding among peoples – in the current state of local and world affairs, our mission is more important than ever.

      With the support of fellow Rotarians, Friends of Rotary and the Board, we will have an amazing year.

    • Environment and Sustainability Expo, City of Burnside. 15th June 2024.

      On Saturday 15th June we provided a BBQ as a part of the Burnside Environment and Sustainability Expo BBQ at the Civic Centre. Council organisers expected numbers in excess of 1000 would attend, and with the weather holding up nicely, it seems that they weren’t disappointed. 

      A surprisingly diverse set of displays, talks and demonstrations were brought together, from Sustainable Fashion to native plants, animals, e-bikes, EVs, a rubbish and recycling presentation, Lions, and more, as well as keynote speaker Sophie Thomson.

      In keeping with the event theme, RCB had decided that the proceeds of our BBQ would go towards materials for another round of Habitat Boxes, with the flatpack kits we produce being handed to Scouts Australia to involve their youth members in constructing, and the finished products to grace Scout campsites such as Woodhouse and Roonka. John Caddy set up a display of previous Rotary Club of Burnside work on the Habitat Boxes, and some example habitat boxes, and had a steady stream of visitors throughout the day.

      Across the way at the BBQ, Des and JohnR loaded up and met Susan Girke, AndrewB and Ken Cross to set up and get cooking. Initially sales were slow but steady, and JohnR was experimenting with Ian Vayne’s “low and slow” BBQ technique – but all of a sudden the lunch rush started and your cook was badly caught out!  Luckily our 2nd change crew in Brian and Peter arrived at just the right time, we cranked the heat up, stalled customers for a few minutes and got back on top – just – and kept going flat out for a couple of hours. In the last hour sales slowly wound back down, we cut down on cooked stock and as the end of the event rolled past we sold the last cooked beef snag and  even the last 2 vego snags! 

      In the end we moved 12 and 1/2 trays of beef snags, and – surprisingly – 4 packs of 6 “sustainable plant-based” sausages (given the amount of plastic wrapping for a 6-pack, “sustainable” is perhaps a stretch!). We retired with 5 loaves of bread and 4 untouched packs of vego snags to donate, and 3 and 1/2 trays of beef snags and a few bags of onions destined for the freezer to rest up for another outing next weekend. Treasurer Des tells us that we grossed $1122.70 and additional donations $19.10 – a pretty outstanding effort!!  And even more so in the face of the competing food offerings on site include burgers, wood-oven pizza, and lots of pastries and delicacies – seems like there’s still a place for the “budget offering” specially when there are lots of family groups attending.

      Thanks again to our willing and capable crew of members and friends Susan, Ken, Brian, Peter, Andrew, Des, JohnC and JohnR. And commiserations to Ian Metcalfe who was rostered for the day but pulled up sick and was confined to barracks – hope you’re back up to speed for the final list on Wednesday!


    • Wednesday 29th May 2024 – Guest Speaker Neurosurgeon, Assoc. Professor Amal Abou-Hamden

      What a magnificent evening with so many people attending. The guest speaker Assoc. Prof. Amal Abou-Hamden was to present on Brain haemorrhages and treatments. However, an early message from Amal to tell me that she had to go to theatre for an emergency Brain haemorrhage!

      We commenced our meal and were feeling disappointed that Amal had to go to theatre just when she was to be at the club. About 8 pm the phone rang, and it was Amal she has just arrived and was looking for the Club meeting room. All she requested was a drink and something sweet to boost her blood sugar!!

      Amal’s presentation was extremely interesting as it covered the many ways to deal with brain haemorrhages and the various new techniques and trials.

      Time is the essence for dealing with brain haemorrhages eight hours being the magic number. This is to wait for the bleed to stabilise before surgery. Previously brain haemorrhages underwent a craniotomy with a large incision. Amal has been involved in trials that prefer a more minimally invasive approach using a fine telescope. The bleed is removed leaving no more than fifteen mls behind, as patients do better with this amount. Patients can even go home the next day after this type of procedure. While some details were more complex it gave us all an idea that there are different methods, and we can at least ask more questions should we need surgery.

      We were all incredibly grateful that Amal rushed to the Kensington Hotel after surgery, amazing lady.

      It was a truly memorable meeting with so many people attending. Thank you to all the guests.

    • Wednesday 22nd May 2024 – Induction of Murray Rawinski.

      It was an immense pleasure to induct Murray into the Rotary club of Burnside. Murray has been a regular visitor to the club and part of the Fullarton Market BBQ team.

      Murray was introduced to the Rotary club of Burnside by Marshall Hanna.

      Marshall had a few words to say about Murray and how they met at the garden at the Burnside Shed. With a shared love of gardening Marshall introduced Murray to the benefits of joining a Rotary club. Murray said he felt very welcome on his first visit to the club and this warmth from the

    • Wednesday 22nd May 2024 – Guest Speaker Lyndall Currie. Rotary Exchange to Denmark 40 years ago.

      TOPIC ‘Life Changing experience – rotary exchange to Denmark 40 years ago’

      This was an amazing presentation and enjoyed by all. Lyndall made lifelong friends while she was living in Denmark. The friendships and bonds she formed still exist today. Lyndall has visited Denmark 20 times and her family from Denmark have visited her in Australia. She has seen her host sister’s children grow up and they have seen Lyndall’s children grow up.

      Lyndall mastered the Danish language as her host families did not speak English so encouraged Lyndall to learn what is considered a difficult language.

      The friendships Lyndall developed are strong family connections and she hopes the next generation will continue with these strong ties.

      Lyndall spoke with such passion about her wonderful experience as an Exchange student and how it profoundly changed her life.

      Thank you, Lyndall, for sharing your amazing story we were all the better for hearing about your experiences.

      Thank you, Craig, for inviting Lyndall to share her story.

    • Guest Speaker Merilyn Russell Interplast. 8th May 2024.

      Merilyn gave an excellent summary of the work of Interplast and the many countries they visit. They provide surgical procedures for many congenital defects for example Cleft Lips, Palates and Burn injuries. The teams are all volunteer surgeons, Anaesthetists and Nursing staff.

      Interplast works with both the College of Surgeons and Rotary Australia and New Zealand. As well as operating on patients they provide training to the local doctors and help these doctors to fins placements in teaching hospitals in Australia. Once they gain more knowledge and skills, they can return to their country better equipped to deal with the many different procedures they meet.

      The are now sending teams to Bhutan and have enabled one doctor to train in Australia so he can do Plastic surgery in Bhutan. He is now the only Plastic surgeon in Bhutan. Interplast has had a significant impact in Bhutan.

      It is truly an inspiring organisation in that they provide surgical services to many people who would not be able to receive the treatment they need.

      Merilyn is obviously very enthusiastic about the work Interplast carries out and is keen to spread the word.

      Funds are a particular issue with Interplast as they must take all the surgical equipment they need. The hospitals and clinics they visit do not stock the sophisticated equipment needed for Plastic surgery.

      We hope as a club we can support the work of Interplast in the future.

      Thank you, Merilyn, for your inspiring presentation to the Rotary Club of Burnside.