TOPIC ‘Life Changing experience – rotary exchange to Denmark 40 years ago’
This was an amazing presentation and enjoyed by all. Lyndall made lifelong friends while she was living in Denmark. The friendships and bonds she formed still exist today. Lyndall has visited Denmark 20 times and her family from Denmark have visited her in Australia. She has seen her host sister’s children grow up and they have seen Lyndall’s children grow up.
Lyndall mastered the Danish language as her host families did not speak English so encouraged Lyndall to learn what is considered a difficult language.
The friendships Lyndall developed are strong family connections and she hopes the next generation will continue with these strong ties.
Lyndall spoke with such passion about her wonderful experience as an Exchange student and how it profoundly changed her life.
Thank you, Lyndall, for sharing your amazing story we were all the better for hearing about your experiences.
Thank you, Craig, for inviting Lyndall to share her story.